The Connection between Financial and Physical health

The Connection between Financial and Physical health

The number one killer in this country is stress related diseases. Saving for a rainy day and planning one’s financial future is as important as it ever was. The connection between stress and finances is deep rooted in almost everything we do. So it only makes sense to see how we can reduce our stress and improve our financial and physical health.

“The greatest wealth is health”

as Virgil stated two thousand years ago. This hasn’t changed all that much.

We should all know what it feels like; to have a good job, money in the bank, rent or mortgage up to date, food in the fridge, nice car in the garage, all bills paid or accounted for. The feeling of a sense of contentment or accomplishment can be just as gratifying as the endorphins from doing a marathon or a yoga class. What’s more important, is that the sense of well-being is healthier than the state of worry. Our physical health is heavily influence by our financial state. However, not every rich person lives to 100, and even some moderate financial planning can improve your health.

Vitamins, Supplements and Special Smoothies

I recall that when I started getting serious about my health someone suggested that I take Coenzyme Q10 for muscle and body tone. Great I thought, and I went over to the vitamin department at my local Whole Foods and found a wide selection of different sizes, brands and combinations. I wanted the best brand and the largest size, but that was almost a hundred dollars. I also wanted something for my aching joints, Glucosamine, and something for my memory like, Ginkgo, but that amounted to more than $300. That’s a large monthly bill for just vitamins and supplements. My realization is that you are going to need money to have good health in this modern age. Even a smoothie that my girlfriend drinks costs more than seven dollars. But it makes her feel healthy, so it’s ok. Today, vitamins and minerals can be made from organic crops, making them costly, but remember getting sick is much more expensive.

The links between financial and physical health can also be examined by the end products that financial stress creates. Smoking, drinking and overeating is what many people who are financial stressed turn to. As your financial issues worsen, so does your physical health. This often leads to a spiral downward. Therefore, in businesses, a good indication of an employee’s future success is often reflected in their current financial situation. People that have 401 k(s), or let’s say people that work for companies that have a good retirement plan, are generally in better health than those that don’t. Less worry, more focus and better productivity. It makes sense, that’s why companies do it.

Exercise, Walking, and Tranquility

Don’t let your lack of exercise routine stop you from trying. Just like a retirement account can be started with any amount so can exercise. A simple 30-minute walk, or even ten minutes a day can have a major impact on longevity and resistance to disease. Start saving now and feel the effects.

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