Five Home Remedies To Cure Common Skin Problems

Five Home Remedies To Cure Common Skin Problems

Your skin reflects your overall body health. It shows if you’re allergic to certain foods, cosmetics, hygiene products, home cleaning solutions and more. If you’re dehydrated it shows through your skin. If your stressed it shows too. People are affected by many skin conditions for example, hives, eczema, psoriasis and many more. Do you suffer from skin problems?

These natural remedies can help you:

  1. Detox Tea: Drink a detox tea containing red clover, calendula, plantain, chamomile, nettles, dandelion leaf, and root. These will help remove toxins by cleaning your kidneys and liver. Drink 2-3 cups a day to help flush out and chemicals and toxins in your body.

  2. Take an Oatmeal Bath: Place some oatmeal in a cloth strainer with a tie. Place that in the bath tub filled with water. Soak in the bathtub with the oatmeal and pat your body and face with the mucilage excreting from the cloth.
    (Another alternative would be to bathe in a pound of baking soda.)

  3. Aloe Vera: Apply cool Aloe Vera (cut from plant recommended) onto skin or affected area. It acts as an anti-inflammatory helping improve skin condition.

  4. Avoid Spicy Foods: Avoid ginger and cayenne because they bring toxins to the surface of the skin. Eat a bland diet: for example, leafy greens like celery and cucumber because they help bring toxins to the surface of the skin. This will help make your body more alkaline than acidic. You will notice your body functions better this way.

  5. Get an allergy test: This will help figure out if any foods are causing the skin problems.

Do you have another remedy that works for you? Share in the comment section below!

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